Whenever the topic of “business” and “laptop lifestyle” come up, the conversation tends to fall into things like sales funnels, products, and other internet marketing experiences. You know – the Ryobis and Rigids and Dremels of an online business. Call in Tim the Tool Man Taylor. ARRRRAWR!!
The internet marketing and online business world is unquestionably dominated by – shall we say – extrovert energy. So launching your spiritually-oriented venture can feel like a bit of a hump to get over after hanging out in the “hardware store” workings of internet business stuff.
A Foot In Both Realms
Why do you consider your business “spiritual?” Should you? It feels like an easier transition to just skip over that part, much as your heart is into it, to grow a more “reasonable” and mainstream business. In reality, you need both worlds – the hardware on which your business is built, and the part that aims for a higher level.
Spiritually based businesses are notorious for being poorly run, and the fail rate is much higher than it should be. It’s because those who are totally committed to providing much-needed healing often live in the dreams and hopes within our heads – which is good, very good – and hope for the best. But we forget that our feet have to stay grounded in the realities of the hardware of the world and business. Instead of railing against it, we should embrace what it has to teach us about being a business owner, and add our own “flavor” – our personality, inner knowing, faith, sincerity, need to serve, modalities.
Down In the Trenches
Keep in mind that a business – no matter what industry, product, service, culture, clientele – is by nature a product of the real world. We choose to use a business template in order to bring about the positive change we envision. And that template happens to consist of profits and losses, hiring, signing leases, ordering supplies, logistics, shipping, managing money, making a viable profit, customer service, marketing, advertising, and more.
There’s simply no getting around that reality. It’s disheartening to see so many spiritually – oriented businesses fail. Sometimes it’s for the same reasons that “regular” ventures do as well, but a large number of entrepreneurs have that burning desire to make the world a better place, and rightly know exactly what they want in order to do so. Unfortunately, they might lack the pragmatic skills and experience that are absolutely necessary to flourish as a business.
The Twenty Percent
About twenty percent of any given culture or society around the world is comprised of what we call “highly sensitive” people – meant to be the feelers, counselors, advisors, priests, intuitives. Western society tends to squash such folks for being too…..well…..sensitive. That twenty percent seems to be a universal plan to ensure a certain number of people are in place for the sole purpose of providing necessary spiritual leadership in order to flourish. Dr. Elaine Aron has researched extensively on this, and you can read more here.
And here we find ourselves in the early 21st Century, frustrated from trying to live our purpose – sincerely and passionately – yet bewildered as to how. How to use the tools that will make it all happen for us and for the world?
The answer is – we can’t do it alone. As much as you believe the universe will provide everything you need, and that somehow you’ll be able to make smart business decisions all the time, those answers are found in the world. Sometimes the best course of action isn’t trying to do it all. Perhaps by allowing others to use their marketing, accounting, internet, computer, website, and building talents to serve you is part of the plan.
The sole purpose of Tala Arts is to facilitate the services of “twenty percenters.” Why? Because I’m one, too, and am behind you all the way.

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