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Writing! One common talent I’ve observed in many introverts is the need to write. I’m not talking about anything professional necessarily – although it seems many, many novelists, journalists, poets, etc are introverts. Introverts tend to prefer writing over talking; you can express yourself more easily without the “clutter” of personal interactions, and get to the point. Write what you mean, mean what you write.

Writing is a means to tap into power and influence. Chances are, you’ve experienced this already. Unlike thinking on your feet and on the fly, writing allows you time to organize and focus your thoughts, relaxed and comfortable. Your writing persuades, helps solve problems (yours and other’s), builds connections with people. Your writing jumps off the page (or keyboard) with a depth of thought and sincerity that inspires and guides others.

Writing transfers thoughts from inside your head to the rest of the world, whether in social media, or as emails with a small audience. Introverts don’t simply sit down and start writing off the top of their head. You likely have some quiet time to organize your thoughts, strategize, mobilize ideas that will convey your point accurately. Writing helps sort your thoughts, see them more clearly. You’re able to clear away strong emotions, helping you understand a situation with more clarity. Then, you can connect your passion with concrete ideas to form a persuasive point.

There’s a technique called “free writing,” when you just write whatever comes to your mind, uncensored and unedited. Julia Cameron guides those following The Writer’s Way to write “morning pages” first thing. It’s a meditation for the mind. Free writing every day helps you to observe your thoughts objectively. Often, there are surprises that come out of you, waving their arms to get your attention. Doing it every day – or at least, often – strengthens your perspective on yourself and your world, helps you to understand things better. Furthermore, thinking through and planning your next move – or several moves – can be done with more clarity.

So great, but how do you use your writing as a power to influence then? There are for ways:

  1. With your careful thought and planning, your thoughts become clear about what’s super important to you, the things you’re passionate about, and your emotions – positive as well as negative. Writing allows feelings to get out of your head where they can often make everything cloudy. It lets you step back and view situations more objectively. Which leads to –
  2. Logic + emotion + empathy = a very powerful persuasive argument. Strategizing on paper (or keyboard) allows you to lay out your plan, consider all angles, potential objections, and readers’ needs (there’s that empathy in action!). There’s nothing rushed or chaotic about the process.
  3. Influential power happens when you connect with others. Writing, of course, is an introvert’s dream activity. Usually done alone with thoughts to roam freely, you get down what you want to say. Remember, your end game is to connect with and influence people. Your keyboard holds more power than a loud voice!
  4. Get it in writing. Enough said!