by Ellen Clarke | Sep 17, 2017 | Spirituality
If you’re a Highly Sensitive Person, your sensory systems are on red alert – read overstimulated – a lot. Not only mentally – your body’s in on the action too, firing off warnings left and right. Quite tiring to body and brain. Sleep...
by Ellen Clarke | Aug 27, 2017 | Spirituality
Writing! One common talent I’ve observed in many introverts is the need to write. I’m not talking about anything professional necessarily – although it seems many, many novelists, journalists, poets, etc are introverts. Introverts tend to prefer...
by Ellen Clarke | Aug 6, 2017 | Focus
Solitude! You likely know the main trait that characterizes an introvert – you need solitude to recharge. If you’re like me, crowds, chatty people, loud places, a hectic schedule, in-your-face co-worker……you get the...
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