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Ok. You’ve thought about the role your art plays in your business. Maybe – even for a couple of minutes – thought of leaving your 9 to 5, determined what stage you’re in, dreamed big, thought about how your creative business goals can be much larger than you. Feeling significant, that you matter to the rest of the world is pretty nice.

So then….how will those people who need you find you?

What do you do, light a bonfire?

The answer is in two magic words: digital marketing. Combining your creative outreach with digital marketing – magic happens!

Nothing is more frustrating than knowing your dream and setting goals, launching. telling friends, then………crickets.

Without an internet-based strategy today, whether your business is online or a “brick and mortar” physical location, digital marketing can make or break your business. What does that actually involve? By learning how to leverage the way the internet works in order to benefit you, and bring your people to you.

There are three ways to go about it:

  1. Learn it from any source you can find. Most of the expert digital marketers offer free information you can find after extensive searching. There are as many different methods as there are experts. Usually you end up studying a bunch of different ones, then picking and choosing what works for you.
  2. Implementing with the help of a mastermind group. Again, there are MANY out there, all of the good ones require payment to join. Definitely worth it, as long as you get a good bang for your buck. Having a community you can call on to help and support you is invaluable. Be warned: it’s very easy to spend unnecessarily, so be careful it’s a group that you really need.
  3. Hire someone who knows digital marketing, and just let them do it for you.

Marketing on the internet involves search engines such as Google being able to find you, social media exposure (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. Even if you don’t hang out in these places, your clients might, and it’s your job to find them), having not just a website, but one that is effective at attracting your clients, sales funnels (a way of drawing your clients to you), just for starters. Then there are your products and/or services to consider.

If it all seems too complicated, don’t worry! Just keep doing what you already are, and I’ll get you caught up. I happen to find this stuff fascinating, and enjoy learning and playing with it. That’s why I do what I do!

I’ll walk you down the road. I hope you’re having as much fun as I am! Till tomorrow!

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash



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