This article might appear to be about making a plan before taking off on a new venture or life journey. Well, that certainly is a wise and efficient course of action. But defying normal thinking can be the shake-up you need to re-evaluate and realign your efforts.
Ever stare at something so long that you stop seeing it? How about when you tune out a repetitive noise? Why does pool water stop feeling cold after a few minutes?
It’s called sensory fatigue. Your nervous system protects itself from being overloaded so it can continue to do its job of detecting new stimuli. For example, I love to learn, especially tech- and science-related stuff. But if I get immersed in it too long, my brain just shuts down until I take a break.
The last almost three years have seen me intensely focused on growing Tala Arts from the ground up. There are nearly unlimited paths to follow in growing an internet-based business. That’s unbelievably exciting! At the same time………overwhelming. You know where you want to go; you know how to get there.
It’s enough to make anyone’s brain fizzle.
When sitting down Monday mornings to write a weekly blog post, there’s a clear subject and purpose in mind. But today………crickets.
Many writers advise to just start writing to jump-start the mental writing machine. Excellent idea! Let’s write about not planning…….
Nope, I mean it! Take a break – from planning – from working – from everything.
If you can spare a whole day, hooray! Even a few hours or an hour minimum is all you need. Think of it as a mental nap. Does your head sometimes feel like a building storm cloud of electrical charge? It needs to dissipate and relax.
Open up your brain. Let everything spill out. Record or write it down; maybe something important’s in there that’ll take you in a new and important direction you’ve been missing.
Then fill it back up with fresh new stuff. Relax in quietness. Realize that hard work and discipline are only some of the tools that get you there. Persistence and consistency are others. Fill up your tank, check your oil and tires. You perform scheduled maintenance on your car – you need it too! (Note the word “scheduled.”)
I wrote this without having a clue what to write about. But hey, that’s cool. There’s always something to do to move forward. It’s just that, occasionally, something is nothing.
Flying isn’t always about reaching a destination quickly. Sometimes it’s paragliding and floating on thermals to see where they take you. It’s about hanging on in the moment. It’s about softening your focus and seeing your surroundings. Every day is a gift, and the best way to appreciate it is to pay attention and see the ordinary as something new.
The next hour or day will come, and you resume your work with a clear head.
Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

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